Four For Friday - January 18

On Fridays, I bring you the best work-life integration tips, tricks and reviews from the week. And we call it Four for Friday. Welcome!
The Thing I Did That Worked Right Away
Like everyone else, I'm upping my social media game, especially on Instagram. I took this free webinar this week by Jenna Kutcher which promised three tips to get more followers. And, of course, there was a pitch for her next course. BUT, she says that posts with faces - especially your face - get more likes. They stand out in your feed, and it's a chance for people to get to know you. I wanted to post about a project I'm working on, and I thought, hey, I can do that with a picture of me, even though that's completely terrifying. That post has Ninety-Eight likes so far. And a bump of 15 followers. A big jump from the 38 likes on the previous post!
Jenna's next tip was a post a personal picture 2-3 times a week, so I'm going to start with this blog banner! Oh, and follow me on instagram at @elizabethcoopersmith.
The Quote Of The Week
It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help. - Epicurus
The Cool Wedding Thing

Delish - Cotton Candy Wedding Bouquets. YES! Cute, yummy, and no worries about what to do with them after the wedding, because those babies will be long gone.
The Thing That Backs Up What I ALWAYS Tell Other Women Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur - Stop Being So Modest! Why Women in Business Need to Get Comfortable with Bragging
My favorite quote from this: “Women cling to an outmoded assumption that their achievements will speak for themselves.” You can even start by saying "Thank you" when someone compliments you, and "You're welcome" when someone thanks you. Don't disassemble on how good you are in your work or your life. Entrepreneur's tips on this are great.
What help do you need right now to help you grow your business? What would it take to help you enjoy your life outside of it?? Let's talk about your checklist: Contact me to schedule a free 30 minute consultation, or email me directly at
I'll talk to you soon,