The ECC Blog
Want to learn more about Honeybook and how you can use it to automate your admin? You’ve come to the right place. On the ECC Blog, I write articles for business owners ready to leverage the various tools out there so they can make life easier while boosting their business!
Ask Elizabeth: Zelle Payments and Lead Forms
Dear Elizabeth,
I want to use a Honeybook lead form for my photo pop-up sessions next month. I take credit cards normally, but Zelle is my performed form of payment for them, but the lead form won’t let my clients schedule their session without submitting the form unless they submit payment on the invoice. Is there a workaround?
Choose One 2025 Challenge To Complete This Month
Pick one new year’s challenge to start with this, and make progress updating your Honeybook and CRM automations and workflows.
Ask Liz: Multi-date projects
Dear Liz, How do I add a multi-date headshot gig to Honeybook?
Be ready so you don’t have to get ready
Dealing with last-minute changes and additions can be a big challenge for wedding and event professionals. Be ready so you don’t have to get ready.
Are you ready to be OOO?
It’s vacation time. You’re willing to get out of the office (OOO), but are you ready? Here are four tips to set your business up to function smoothly while you’re gone.
What to Say When They Can’t Afford You
Ugh, the dreaded "A" word: Afford. You pour your heart and soul into your work and know the positive, sometimes life-changing impact you create for your clients. So, telling someone your services are outside their budget feels itchy.
Five Minutes From Business Fitness
Does it feel like your business is only 5 minutes from full fitness? Here are some tips to get you hacked and back on track.
This will make scheduling in Honeybook easier!
Honeybook just made scheduling a meeting - or a project date - easier
Choose One New Year’s Challenge This Month
Pick one new year’s challenge to start with this, and make progress updating your Honeybook and CRM automations and workflows.
Book a CRM Audit With Me!
New offer for wedding professionals who set up their CRM a while ago, but it’s not quite working for how they want to run their business now. Book a CRM audit with me and find out how to make the changes you need.
New to Me: Planing Pod
Planning Pod is a new to me CRM for wedding professionals. It’s new to me, but find out why it could be good for you, too.
Ask Liz: Honeybook Lead Forms & Discounts
If you’re sending a lead form to certain clients, it’s easy to add a discount to the invoice. Here’s how, plus a video tutorial on adding text to smart files.
Yup, Honeybook Can Grow Your Email List
You wouldn’t think Helen Keller could have anything to do with using Honeybook to build your email list, would you? Revelations ard everywhere.
Progress in 25 minutes?
Every day, you face a checklist of unending tasks. The goal isn't really to get rid of the checklist but to A. Manage it so everything gets done when it needs to get done. and B. Feel like that's exactly what's happening. Here are some tips.
Wait, HOW bad is lead conversion?
Seventy-nice percent of leads don’t convert. Here are three main reasons why lead conversion doesn’t happen and one big thing you can do to fight it.
Amazon Prime Day Office Tech Deals!
My favorite home office/Travel/co-working tech gadgets are on sale for Prime Day!