Choose One 2025 Challenge To Complete This Month

Welcome to 2025! Let’s focus on staying rested and paid this year

What’s the biggest "challenge" to challenges

Confession: I'm a New Year's challenge addict! Right now I’m involved in a decluttering challenge, a mindset and meditation challenge on, and through another skiming through Atomic Habits by James Clear again. He says that there are four rules to making changes and building better habits: Make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. Right. Is that all?

I'm going to try and help you out on this.

I will challenge YOU to make one of four changes to your business process workflow. Just one, and none will take more than 20 minutes for you to do. None will require you to download any new apps or create any new templates. They will all give you a little more breathing room in your business and strengthen your boundaries. Choose which one fills Clear's requirements for you.

Ready? Pick One Challenge to Complete In January:

  1. Add checkboxes and Initials to your contracts - this would be for the stuff your clients don't read or that you absolutely need them to understand. Example: Before my wedding clients can complete their contract, they have to check a box that they understand that their deposit is non-refundable and that we don't touch, serve, or remove food or alcohol. There's a video below on how to do this in Honeybook, but this is a quick tweak you can do across CRM platforms or in your Google Docs. Remember, change it in the template, NOT in the project.

Do you want your client to initial clauses in your contract? Here’s how:

2. Create a new scheduler OR edit an old one - New year, new personal and business schedule. Take 10 minutes to change your availability in your online appointment schedule OR 15 minutes to copy an old scheduler and tweak it for a new appointment. For example, add weekend availability or accommodate your kid's sports schedule.

Learn how to distinguish schedulers that set appointments OR project dates.

3. Add a review capture to your automation/workflow - Take 15 minutes and create an email asking for a review, or copy the one you usually send - when you remember to send it. This time, you're going to automate it. Add the email as a project step, or set a reminder in your. The end goal is to create an easily accessible template that you only have to touch once or not at all.

4. Ninja level - Change a Payment Schedule - If you occasionally felt last year (feels so good to say "last year") that your deposit wasn't big enough, or depending on the service, that you don't want to split the balance at all, fix it now. 10 minutes, rub your hands together, pull the grenade pin and do it.

I wanna know which one you picked!

Message me on Instagram @elizabethcoopersmith and let me know. Plus, if you follow me, I will follow you back, if I'm not already.

Ooh! My Honeybook/CRM audit service is only going to be $37 through January, so book one now -

And if you’re up for finishing a few more challenges this month, take my Five Day Efficiency Challenge and become the most efficient creative you know!

Confidential to Keep in Touch: Yeah, if you text a session link to a client, a new project is populated. Send the session link through their project instead - you can do this on the HB app, too.

Confidential to Making it Stick: You can NOW designate in your sessions calendar if the meeting date is a project date. More on this later, but our Honeybook prayers have been answered!


What else do you need or need to know in order to save time and make more money in your business with your CRM? Let’s talk: click here to let me know what’s bugging you about your business right now, and schedule a free consultation.

I'll talk to you soon,

Liz Coopersmith


Ask Liz: Multi-date projects