Ask Liz: Honeybook Lead Forms & Discounts
Here’s a new thing: Every Friday, I’m going to answer some of the questions I get about Honeybook’s features.
These are questions that have been asked by my clients and ones I’ve answered online.
I’m also answering questions about Dubsado and Sprout Studio so if you’ve got questions, email me directly at
Dear Liz,
I’m booking Holiday Mini-Sessions this month, and I want to give my past clients a discount for booking this year. I like Honeybook’s lead forms, but it doesn’t look like there’s a place to put in a discount code. What can I do?
The Comeback Camera
Dear Comeback,
Honeybook doesn’t have discount codes anymore, but there’s still an easy way to send your past clients a discount on their shoots:
Make a copy of your current lead form template called “Past Clients” or something like that, and add the discount to the invoice. This is the lead form you’ll send to them and them alone. The video below to show you how to add a text box and where to add the discount code.
How to add an agreement to your lead form and a discount to the invoice page.
By optimizing your Honeybook account, your business can be more productive and profitable. I’ve watched my clients make thousands of dollars in just a few days with my help! Schedule a 15-minute consultation with me, and I’ll walk you through the exact steps to get started.
I’ll talk to you soon,
Liz Coopersmith
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