Four For Friday - Force of Habit
E Mug on Nightside table
If there was ever a good time to start new habits, it's now, when you actually have the time.
And I think we've been doing this long enough that we're ready to look around and go, "Huh, we're gonna be here for a while. What do I need to do for me?" Here's some suggestions:
This Week's Four Habits
Feel like a sucker with no self-esteem? Life and work are so out of our control right now and the "rules" change daily. Who can keep up? Why can't YOU keep up? No wonder so many of us are running the fine line between malaise and depression. Glitter Guide's
5 Little Habit Changes If You Need To Work On Your Self-Esteem
has some tips on feeling a little better about what you see in the mirror every day.
(affiliate link) - This has been rolling around as one of those books you need to read. I'm listening to the audiobook for the second time this week, and YES, get it. James Clear's Four Laws of Habits are make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. And they only involve making tiny, tiny, well, atomic changes to your environment and mindset - "Since it's right in front of me, and I'm not going to regret doing it, I might as well do it."
Clear will forever be known as the man that made me move the fruit bowl to the front of my kitchen counter. Stuff like that.
Speaking of which, if you want to make better business habits easier to do...
- My Two Day Honeybook Set-Up Service is officially launched!
It also comes with a 50% discount when you open up a Honeybook account.
Lifehacker -
You Don't Truly Build A Habit Until After You Break a Streak
- You might feel like a failure, but what it gives is you an opportunity to choose what you're going to do next. Something to think about.
Video: The Four Step Website Prep
Here's this week's video on the fourth step to preparing your website overhaul - Working on your contact page.
And remember, I'm available to make any tweeks or changes you want to make to your workflow systems or your website.
to if you have any questions, or
Stay safe and I'll talk to you soon,