It's getting out of line
A neon sign that says EAT
Ugh, the line...
I hate waiting in line for food. HATE. IT. Maybe it's all those weekends in my 20s, hanging out with my friends outside restaurants for an hour, just so we could sit at a table for 25 minutes as the waitstaff rush us out for the next group of friends who'd been waiting to eat for an hour. This could also explain why I don't like brunch, either.
I was reminded of that when I heard
speak this week about money mindset, and how so many of us stand in line and wait until it's "our turn" or because it feels like too much effort to fix the situation. Like, waiting in a long line when there are two other lanes and three free cashiers not doing much else.
We might not be satisfied with what we have, but we're wary that change is going to make it better.
So, we stay in line, stay quiet and wait, when we all we have to do is raise our hand and ask the cashiers to open up a lane. Even then, Allyson said, a lot of people choose to stay in the original line.
This is how we are in life and how we are at work, too. Are you dissatisfied with how much your business swallows up your days, but you're waiting for the "right time" to do something about it? Booking and billing takes forever, appointment scheduling is a nightmare - you want a solution, but you're still able to make it work...more or less. And besides which, will a new system really fix it that much?
Yeah, it will. It's practically a guarantee.
I can schedule a consultation in a few minutes, and book a client within an hour. I can automate payments and documents so I'm not scrambling - and failing - to meet deadlines. If you could do this, too, and how many hours and days would you save? And how much more money would you make? If this is something that you're interested in doing in your business, click here to schedule an appointment with me. Raise your hand and step out of line.
Oh, and as for how I handle waiting in line at restaurants - they serve the same food at the bar. And it's not as crowded, either.
Los Angeles Virtual Assistant
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