2022 Decisions Notebook

First Decision: In with the old…

Starting the new year with an old trick - every Friday post is going to be four things I jammed to this week when it comes to workflow and client management and productivity. And we call it the Friday Four. Welcome! And a head’s up: some of the links are affiliate links, which means that I may be compensated if you make a purchase.

Since we’re on day 7 of 365 there’s still plenty of time to make the big decisions for our business moving forward. Here’s some tips to help you out with that:

  1. Quote of the Week: James Clear - "It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert as long as you’re on the path. If a beginner is on the path, all they need is time. If an expert is off the path, they won’t be an expert for long."

    James Clear’s book “Atomic Habits” was the best selling book across all categories on Amazon in 2021. ALL. CATEGORIES. I’m re-listening to it on Audible this month, and he has a wonderful non-preachy, story-telling style. I’m probably the fifth person who’s recommended this book to you, so grab it.

  2. Inc.com - Why Emotionally Intelligent People Embrace the 2-Way-Door Rule to Make Better and Faster Decisions. “One-way door” decisions are hard or impossible to reverse. “Two way door” decisions are reversible. Confusing them is common, because what you think is one way doesn’t have to be.

  3. Me - I’ve posted two of my blogs over and over again in the past couple of weeks, in response to “questionable” questions on Facebook: The Two Client Boundaries You Need Now, and Getting Paid. The first rule of getting hired is to get paid. The second rule of getting hired to be VERY clear about your SOP and stick to it.

  4. Jenna Kutcher - What to Review In Your Business Before the Year Ends. I know we’re a few days late on this, but Jenna has a few questions and you can think out relatively quickly here, and help you make choices on how you’re going to manage your business and your life in 2022. Love it.

What else do you need to jump feet - or head - first into 2022? I can help you optimize your website presence and your online workflow systems, so let’s talk. Click here to schedule your free consultation next week.

I’ll talk to you soon,



My Favorite Things


2021 was a busy year…but was it fun?