Contact Forms aren’t just for inquiries anymore

Website Contat Form


I got hired for a bunch of one-day website and Honeybook intensives and I only do one a week, so if you need your website updated, or you want to add automation to your Honeybook account before the new year, I still have day rate availability this month on Monday 11/14 Thursday 11/17. Email me back if you're interested in grabbing one of those days and I'll walk you through whatever you need. I still have availability for the first two Thursdays in December, too.

On Fridays, I give you the four best workflow tips I have this week. And we call it Four for Friday. Welcome!

Four For Friday: New uses for your contact forms

On Fridays, I give you the four best workflow tips I have this week. And we call it Four for Friday. Welcome!

A thread I responded to on Facebook blew up, so I'm sharing this with you, too. Most websites and CRM let you create multiple contact forms. So, sometimes contact forms don't just have to be contact forms:

1. Order form

One of the first contact form hacks I ever did for a dessert baker. The questions and boxes can easily be turned into an order form that you can follow up with an invoice. This can also be automated in a CRM, too. Here's an example. 

2. Questionnaire

Since a contact form is a questionnaire anyway, this is an easy edit. You can direct your clients to this page on your website at any part of your client workflow. In Honeybook, contact forms have separate URLs of their own

3. Survey

You see where I'm going with this.  

4. Feedback/ review request

If you have a specific set of questions, you send to your clients after a project, convert a contact form into a review request, and send them a link. I love just sending links to stuff.  

Converting your contact forms into other uses is another way to streamline your business because you're keeping everything in fewer places at less cost. 

Email me today to Let me know if you would like to use one of my available November dates, Monday, 11/14, or Thursday 11/17 to set up or tune up your Honeybook account or website. I'm here to help you with whatever you need!

I'll talk to you soon, 



Five for Black Friday


Four for Friday: Quarter Four