Four For Friday: What is a Weekend?
Turtle on a holiday weekend. But really, what’s a “holiday” these days?
"What is a 'Weekend'?""
I'll give you 10 points if you can tell me what that quote is from. Actually, that probably won't work for a newsletter, so I'll just tell you and reveal one of my quarantine vices: Downton Abbey. It's sort of the same idea as reading Rom Com books (my other Q-vice) - low stakes and happy endings. Nothing like watching a lot of proper English people kvetching about stolen letter openers and misunderstood heartbreak to put things in perspective. The quote is by the Lady Violet, the Dowager Countess of Grantham, because apparently in 1918 there was no such thing as a weekend, just Saturday and Sunday and whatever day the landed gentry let you have off.
We all feel Lady Violet's confusion these days. What is a weekend? And a holiday weekend, at that. There's not much to do,and a lot of time to do it in. Here's a few suggestions:
Something to Read
- Speaking of distracting Rom Coms, I highly, HIGHLY recommend this love story between the President's son and the Crown Prince of England. Sweet, romantic and utterly hilarious. And, yes, that's an affiliate link.
Something to think about
Why Creativity Isn’t Just Important For “Creative” Jobs,
from Glitter Guide
Something to make you feel productive, if you must.
It's September, so
partment Therapy's Weekend Projects program
is ready! And, the first can be done, as they say, from your couch. Which are most of you are going to be hanging out. After all, Mulan is premiering on Disney +. I see you!
Something that's only safe if your kids DON'T sleep with you
Jolt Yourself Awake With the Siri Voice Swearing at You
. You're welcome!
Have a great weekend,