The Three Things Bugging You About Your Email Inbox
But, Your Emails!
When I talk to other creative pros about their business, email management is always one of the first things that comes up. It's how we do business, frankly, and how we move from point A to Point B at any time. Did we get the information, did we get the contract, did we get the payment, the appointment, and on. There's too much of it, there's not enough of it, and it's irritating as hell.Everyone's issues with email fall into one or more of these three categories:
- Missing Important Emails - Whenever someone asks you, "Did you get the email I sent you?" your heart stops a little.
- Inbox Zero Goals - You want to open your inbox to be empty as possible when you open it.
- The Scramble - So many emails piling up. And you just need to find this ONE. THING.
Let's talk about each one and it's solution:
Missing Important Emails
You can't keep up, and it's beginning to be a problem. Your inbox in a mismash of emails you've already read with the ones you haven't touched.Solution: If missed emails is the problem, set your mail box so it always starts with your unread emails. Start a habit of going through them for the day. Give yourself bonus points by creating folders by project and sorting them.
Inbox Zero Goals
Zero Unread emails in your inbox. Wouldn't be nice?Solution: Sort and Archive. Unfortunately, there's really no way to completely get there, but you can get it under control. Hub spot has a fantastic article about this, which, shamefully, explains it so much better than my Facebook live did this week. Four folders, three questions, no waiting.
The Scramble
You can never find the email that you're looking for.Solution - Folders, definitely. Decide on the categories - clients? Year? Type of project? Set them so you can start using them.These are all things that you can set up in minutes, which will make creating new habits easier.p.s. An extra tip: If you're feeling "oversubscribed" and you're tired of seeing that email newsletter that comes every day, but you haven't read it in two years, and there are like, 10 of those, search for the word "unsubscribe" in your inbox. That will pull up all of the emails you can unsubscribe from. You're welcome!How else can I help you streamline the online part of your business so you have the time to grow it? Complete my Contact form, or even better, click here to schedule a free consultation. I'll talk to you soon,Elizabeth