Friday Four: Motivation

On Fridays, I bring you the best wedding business and workflow tips I’ve found, and we call it the Friday Four. Welcome! Let’s talk about Motivation.

p.s. - This post does contain affiliate links, if you click to make a purchase, I may be compensated at no additional cost to you.

  1. Quote of The Week:

Winning isn’t everything - but wanting to win is.

- Vince Lombardi

2. Bob the Builder and Motivation - This month I’ve been reading/listening to Daniel Pink’s “To Sell is Human”. Pink is one of my favorite business book authors, and I was blown away by his take that self-affirmation (“I can fix this!”) might not be as effective as the approach that Kid’s cartoon maven Bob the Builder’s interrogative approach, “Can we fix this?” According to research, the second approach stimulates figuring out how you’re gong to accomplish your goals, as opposed simply stating that you can. What you can learn from author Dan Pink and Bob the Builder by Carly Sandifer breaks this down way better than I can, so check it out. And buy the book, it is sooo good.

3. Honeybook Office Hours - I personally believe that one key factor of motivation is having back up and support, which is why I offer one-on-one training on every service. There’s no point in handing you an online system you can’t use! If you already have Honeybook, and you know you can use it better, but you don’t have the time to go digging through videos or waiting for the customer service chat bot to pop up. I’m holding free “office hours” on Wednesday, February 2 from 10am - noon so you can drop in and ask all your burning questions, like, “How do I set up a brochure to generate an invoice” or, “how do I attach a file to an email?” or, “how do I create x, y, z automation” or “what size do my photos have to be in Honeybook?” I actually figured out a cool trick for that last one. You have to register to join, so register…and join.

Oh, and speaking of Honeybook, if you do need help setting up your Honeybook acount, I have two VIP days available in February - Thursday 2/10 and 2/17. Find out more here.

4. Sara Katherine - How to Stay Motivated for Long-Term Goals - This is a big issue for me, that whole “Where do I want to be in a year?” question. For a few reasons, I’m focusing on that a lot this year, and I’m digging her blog that a friend sent me. Another new thought: Along with creating new habits to reach your goals, how about noting the ones you know are unproductive? Boom.

Another key to motivation is having systems in your business that make it easy to forge ahead. If you’re feeling twitchy, let’s talk: Click here to schedule a quick consultation with me.

Have a great weekend and I’ll talk to you soon,



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