Something New
Can’t wait to see what happens next!
This has been a WEEK. A good week, a hard week, a crazy week, both a productive and non-productive week. So, you know, 2020 personified. But I also learned a lot of stuff:
Whether your client is right or wrong, they're still your client. Ya gotta figure out how YOU can do what is that they need. That's next week's blog.
You can look for "jewel tones" in (which we all know that I love) and it brings up all their jewel tone colored pics.
A finished website is more "ready to launch" than it is "finished." I relaunched mine on Monday, but I've been tweaking it all week. THIS is why I add a month of support to my website design services.
I LOVE finding new ways to do work things, so it's good that I'm a complete research nerd. I still have a contact high from #1, and that was on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend! Are you ready to automate and save time in your business or upgrade your website? Click the button below to schedule a consultation next week with me!
Stay safe and I'll talk to you soon, Elizabeth