Four for Friday - Work FTW

iPad with coffee mug and headphones work for the win

On Fridays I bring you week’s best website, workflow and entrepreneur life hacks, and we call it Four for Friday. Welcome!

Work For The Win

They say that they best way to learn is to teach, and I have learned A LOT this week, while I was creating a webinar about Honeybook’s Smart Files. And before I tutored a client on automating a mini-session invoice from her contact form. And before talking to a wix website client about designing photo galleries and review blocks. I love the research, and when I find something that’s going to help creative and wedding professionals, it feels like Christmas.

Here are a four things I learned this week that gave me that Charlie Brown Christmas dance scene high:

1.Soon you’ll be able to integrate iCal and Outlook into your Honeybook calendar

I’m part of the beta testing team for this, which means that it should hit you in the next few weeks. I’ll let you know how it goes - watch this space!

2. Squarespace’s new drag and drop editor

I know some of you are out there managing and editing your websites yourselves (no shade, come and talk to me when you get tired of it), and Squarespace is making it easier for you. No more sizing photos with blocks and columns, now you can drag and drop with grid editing. It’s pretty cool, and I’m going to give you a demonstration in next Wednesday’s blog. In the meantime, take a look at what’s possible.

3. For my wedding planner peeps

Every wedding planner knows that finding a good, none-tripping, non-slipping, sticky—sticking aisle runner is tough. When I was a full time planner, I would nudge my couples toward The Original Runner Co. because they are the best. They are celebrating their 19th Birthday with a 19% discount on their custom aisle runners, if you order between 8/22 and 8/24. If your couple doesn’t know exactly what they want, they can buy a gift card for it to use later. I love these guys!

4. Quote of the Week

Not so much a lesson, but a little reminder or why you and I do what we do:

"The ideal form of work feels like play, but still accomplishes something useful and valuable. Joyful for you. Helpful to others."

- James Clear

What else do you need to grow your business and live your best entrepreneur life? Let’s talk! Click here to contact me and schedule a free consultation.

I’ll talk to you soon,



You still need your website. Really.


Four for Friday - “Wait, AITA??