Digital Clean- Up - Four For Friday

On Fridays I bring you the best workflow and webiste tips I've found around the web, and we call it Four for Friday. Welcome.
Is it time for a little Digital Clean Up?
Think of it as belated Spring Cleaning.
Lifehacker: How to Check the Battery Health on all your Apple devices - We live, die, and work by our iPhones, Macbooks and iPads. I know for certain I'm running mine into the ground. Find out how deep in the dirt yours is and what to do about it.
Digital Trends: How to Turn Off Notifications in Windows 10 - a client asked about this last week. And they pop up at the most inconvenient times, you know?
Forbes - How to Clean Your Digital Clutter - Starting with emptying the trash, everywhere.
Seven Must-Do Website Hacks That Will Improve Your Client Workflow - My new free checklist when you opt-in to my newsletter.
Once again, If you haven't signed up for a CRM yet, I have a discount code that gives you 50% off the first year - or 20% off your first year with dubsado with the code coopersmithconsulting
And NEWS! I revamped my website a little and tweaked my services, so check it out and let me know what you need.
Stay safe and I'll talk to you soon,