Four For Friday: Problem Solving

Problem Solving: The Week in Review
Beta testing a service is..interesting. Getting a whole Honeybook set-up down to two days obviously means condensing a lot, but adding a couple of things, too. A full workflow audit is totally necessary to do beforehand, and I've added a few other things to the "talk" to let my clients know exactly what's going to happen. Stuff like, you need to sign into your google account if you want to schedule events through Honeybook. They are going to ask you for your social security number, since (presumably) you're dealing with money. It's like wedding day coordination, you can't just come in and do it the day of. But the event itself only takes two days!
I've got one beta test spot left before I start charging mad cash, so If you're interested, click the button below to to schedule an appointment. I still have a discount code good for 50% off Honeybook for the first year.
I'm also pushing my Website intensive (3 page website in 3 days) to Mid-August, BUT...
I'm going to offer free website audits on Instagram live, starting next Wednesday at 5:30pm. This is something I've been offering on a couple of Facebook groups this month. If you've been staring at your website but you're not quite happy with it, and you're not sure what to fix, email me your website link and I'll do a live audit for you.<
The Four:
Me: Part 3 of the Three Step CRM prep is up on my IGTV. Follow me on insta @elizabethcoopersmith or watch the video on YouTube.
Apartment Therapy - 5 Tiny Tweaks to Make Before Calling Into a Zoom Meeting Since it looks like we're going to be "here" for a while, here's a refresher.
Lifehack - 6 Ways To Enhance Your Problem Solving Skills Effectively I love this article because it lists basic stuff like, "focus on the solution and not the problem" but goes on to tell you why and how. It also has great links - find out about the 5 Whys! What does "simplify" really mean, anyway?
Read Simplify to AmplifyThe quote I realized I was living by in 2020 - “To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask? ”- Jim Rohn
How else can I help you streamline and scale your business to finish out 2020 and start 2021 strong? Click here for my Services, or click the button below to schedule a consultation.
Stay safe and I'll talk to you soon,